Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wow, this is pathetic

Wow, so much for "change". The only thing that has changed is the name and party of those running our country. And we wonder why we are failing as a nation? The answer to our problems is a simple.......GOD. But oh i forgot, we have "separation of church and state", which doesn't even mean what the politicians want us to think it does. Just go read what the term to establish meant in that time, might surprise you.

And for those who love the two party system, you need to work on having some wisdom.

1 comment:

PatientlyWaiting said...

Oh I already knew about this. I is sad.
xo be encouraged- the Bible says God APPOINTS all authority!!! Doesn't mean He wants them to ruin us all... just means that He will protect us and His will be done!